Nowadays, the digital world has conquered our everyday lives, and lately it has become an unquestionable asset in tourism. We book our flights and accommodation online and use our smartphone to get around in a city that’s unknown to us. With the help of go2maps, the Budapest Festival and Tourism Centre has made it possible to explore the capital’s Budapestinfo Points virtually. This serves the purpose of providing visitors with even more information and an even more immersive experience. Go2maps offers a whole range of services to restaurants, shops and companies to ensure they appear in a visually pleasing, easily recognisable way in virtual environments, and to give people as much information as possible.

Zolpidem 10Mg Buy Online Google Maps users have more and more opportunities to gain knowledge about a given sight, restaurant or shop that goes well beyond its address. With the help of Street View, they are now able to explore the surroundings of a given venue, while the My Business profile – in addition to showing the opening hours and contact information – gives a platform to satisfied customers to share their opinion and rate the services. The latest innovation, 3D Inside, makes it possible to step inside the building virtually and take a look around via professional photographs – all in 3D, of course. We are aware that these days, if you are not present in the digital sphere, you might as well not exist. This makes the go2maps team’s services even more noteworthy: they make use of all the opportunities offered by Google Maps to help business owners create a profile for their shops, cafés and offices that really catches customers’ eyes. High quality presentation is a major pre-requisite for inspiring confidence in customers that are not familiar with our services. And if the virtual sphere is out of our comfort zone, it is worth giving the job to an expert. That way, even people who were originally looking for something else get a chance to find you. Budapestinfo Point – Liszt Ferenc International Airport Terminal 2A (Budapest) COPYRIGHT: Go2maps Hungary Ltd